Ochr yn ochr â’r arddangosfeydd parhaol, mae gan yr amgueddfa raglen fywiog o arddangosfeydd a digwyddiadau dros dro.
Along with the permanent displays the museum has a lively programme of temporary exhibitions and events.
Cerddoriaeth gwerin a jazz, o Gymru i De America. Mae’r gantores, cyfansoddwraig a feiolinydd Cymreig Claire Victoria Roberts yn perfformio gyda pianydd jazz Gonzalo Zapata, o Sbaen. Mae eu rhaglen wedi’i hysbrydoli gan gerddoriaeth Geltaidd, Alaw Werin, jazz, a cherddoriaeth siambr clasurol.
Folk and jazz from Wales to Argentina. Welsh-born singer, composer and violinist Claire Victoria Roberts performs with Spanish jazz pianist Gonzalo Zapata. Their programme is inspired by Celtic music, tradiotional Welsh songs, jazz improvisation and post-minimalist chamber music.
NOS IAU 19 RHAGFYR - Drysau’n agor 7yh
Bydd storïwyr a gwneuthurwyr mythau Cymreig, The Ragged Storytelling Collective yn asio mythau modern a cherddoriaeth werin Gymreig ynghyd mewn perfformiad bythgofiadwy, Binderella.
Mae Binderella yn stori ar gyfer ein hoes, yn chwedl geni wyllt am Wrth-Dduwies sy'n herio grymoedd trachwant ac anobaith sy'n ceisio dwyn ein dyfodol oddi wrthym. Mae’r stori ryfeddod anarchaidd hon yn edrych trwy holltau ein cymdeithas, gan asio cri rali amgylcheddol â galwad ddyrchafol am dosturi a dewrder yn yr oes hon o argyfwng.
Ar gyfer 12 oed a hŷn
RHYBUDD CYNNWYS Ceir disgrifiadau o achosion o droi allan gan awdurdodau. Sonnir am hunanladdiad ond nid oes disgrifiad manwl.
Thursday 19th December - Doors Open 7pm
Welsh storytellers and myth makers, The Ragged Storytelling Collective will be fusing together modern myths and Welsh folk music in an unforgettable performance, Binderella.
Binderella is a tale for our times, a wild birth-myth of an Anti-Goddess who challenges the forces of greed and despair that seek to steal our future from us. This anarchistic wonder story peeks through the cracks in our society, fusing an environmental rallying cry with an uplifting call for compassion and courage in this age of crisis.
For ages 12 and above.
CONTENT WARNING There are descriptions of eviction by authorities. Suicide is mentioned but there is no detailed description.
Archebwch/BookNOS WENER 20 RHAGFYR - drysau'n agor 7.30yh
Dechreuwch eich dathliadau Nadolig gyda ffrindiau a theulu yn y Coliseum cain yng nghwmni'r talentog Al Lewis.
Canwr/cyfansoddwr dwyieithog o Gymru yw Al Lewis. Rhyddhaodd gyfanswm o 7 albwm, enwebwyd ei albwm Saesneg cyntaf 'In the Wake' ar gyfer y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig gyntaf ac mae ei albyms Cymraeg i gyd wedi treulio sawl wythnos yn #1 ar Siartiau Cymraeg BBC Cymru.
Mae Osgled yn brosiect cerddorol newydd gan Bethan Ruth sy'n byw ym Machynlleth. Disgwyliwch haenau electronig arbrofol a synth trist - fel bod mewn breuddwyd!
Noson o ddathlu ac adloniant.
Friday 20th December - Doors Open 7.30pm
Begin your Christmas celebrations with friends and family in the elegant Coliseum in the company of the talented Al Lewis.
Al Lewis is a bilingual singer/songwriter from Wales. He released a total of 7 albums, his solo debut English language album ‘In the Wake’ was nominated for the inaugural Welsh Music Prize and his Welsh language albums have all spent multiple weeks at #1 on the BBC Cymru Welsh Language Charts.
Osgled (Welsh for amplitude) is a new music project started by Bethan Ruth based in Machynlleth, mid Wales. Expect experimental ethereal layers, sad synth teamed with dreamy vocals.
An evening of festive celebration and entertainment.
Archebwch/BookNOS SADWRN 21 RHAGFYR - Drysau’n agor am 8pm tan hwyr!
I gael y parti perffaith y Nadolig, mae Amgueddfa Ceredigion yn cyflwyno Tongue & Groove.
Set fywiog ac eclectig gan y band sy’n feistri ar ganeuon covers.
Bydd digon o hwyl a brwdfrydedd.
Noson i godi arian i Gyfeillion Amgueddfa Ceredigion.
£10 o flaen llaw
£12 wrth y drws
SATURDAY 21 DECEMBER - Doors open at 8pm til late!
Back by popular demand the celebrated Tongue and Groove go Christmas Crackers!
For the ultimate Christmas party, Ceredigion Museum unleash Tongue & Groove.
Expect an exhilarating and eclectic set with this well-established covers band.
They bring 'hwyl' and enthusiasm to every gig.
A night to raise money for the Friends of Ceredigion Museum.
£10 early bird
£12 on the door